This paper describs the precise guide-block system equipped with a
Kawai-type multi-anvil press SPEED-Mk.II in the synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8. This guide block system is later
equipped with IRIS-15 in the BGI [Ishii et al.,
2016]. The proto-type of this guide block system is usually called 'DIA-type', but we refer to it as 'Osugi-type guide block' in honor of Prof. Jiro Osugi at Kyoto University, Japan,
for his invention of the guide block system for the uniaxial cubic-anvil press [Osugi et al., Rev. Phys. Chem. Jpn. 34, 1-6, 1964] (see,
Ishii et al. [2019]). The guide block system developed in this study keeps the vertical and horizontal
dimensions of the cubic compressional space made by the first-stage anvils within 60 µm over the whole range of press load, preventing breakage of anvils and blow-out.
Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the high-pressure vessel. The columns that support the upper and lower first-stage anvils (supporting columns) are separated from the main parts of the guide blocks so that the change of the relative dimension of the cubic compression space with press load can be minimized through adjustment.
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