Generation of pressures over 40 GPa using a Kawai-type multi-anvil press with tungsten carbide anvils


In this study, we have successfully generated pressures over 40 GPa using a multi-anvil large-volume press IRIS-15 at the BGI with carbide anvil for the first time. Our subsequent study [Ishii et al., 2017], which generated pressures exceeding 60 GPa, replaced this record.

T. Ishii (石井 貴之), L. Shi (史 兰兰), R. Huang (黄 瑢), N. Tsujino (辻野 典秀), D. Druzhbin, R. Myhill, Y. Li (李 杨), L. Wang (王 林), T. Yamamoto (山本 貴史), N. Miyajima (宮島 延吉), T. Kawazoe (川添 貴章), N. Nishiyama (西山 宣正), Y. Higo (肥後 祐司), Y. Tange (丹下 慶範), T. Katsura (桂 智男), Generation of pressures over 40 GPa using Kawai-type multi-anvil press with tungsten carbide anvils. Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 024501 (2016);

Accepted manuscript
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