Session 5 Facility

Bin Chen (Hawaii Inst. Geophys. & Planet., U. Hawaii at Manoa), Yingxin Liu, Haijian Li, Xiaojing Lai, Feng Zhu, Robert P. Rapp
Large volume multi-anvil experiments using octahedra cast by 3D-printed molds

Comments: 3
  • #3

    Tomo Katsura (Friday, 24 September 2021 04:32)

    Thank you for your reply, Bin. I see. I thought that you used not the 3D-printed machine but the 3D-cutting machine. I am sorry for my misunderstanding.

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    Bin Chen (Thursday, 23 September 2021 12:39)

    Hi Tomoo,
    For pre-gasketed octahedral pressure medium, we use the 3D-printed semi-injection mold made of 8 cubes with edge shaped for the faces of the octahedron and the gasket. After molding, all the cubes can be taken away from the octahedron carefully. The cubes will be greased for easy removal.

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    Tomoo Katsura (Thursday, 23 September 2021 10:48)

    If I understand correctly, you manufacture pressure media using the modeling machine. However, how can the 2.5D modeling machine manufacture the lower sides of the pressure media?

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Takanori Hattori (J-PARC Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency), A. Sano-Furukawa, S. Machida, J. Abe & K. Funakoshi
Six-Axis Multi-Anvil Press "ATSUHIME" at PLANET beamline in J-PARC

Sho Kakizawa (Grad. School Advanc. Scien. & Engineer., Hiroshima U.), Asami Sano-Fukrukawa, Yuichiro Mori, Takanori Hattori, Katsutoshi Aoki, Hiroyuki Kagi, Toru Shinmei & Tetsuo Irifune
Neutron diffraction experiment using MA6-8 with WC anvils

No video is available.

Yuji Higo (Diffract. & Scattering Division, Japan Synchrot. Radiat. Research Inst.)
Current status and future plans of BL04B1/SPring-8

No video is available.

Ke Yang (Shanghai Synchrotr. Radiat. Facil., Shanghai advan. Research Inst.), Chunyin Zhou, Zhaohui Dong, Li Li, & Zilong Zhao
The Multianvil Beamline BL12SW of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF)

Li Li (State Key Lab. Isotope Geochem., Guangzhou Inst. Geochem.), Eiichi Takahashi, Jintuan Wang, Zhang Lei & Xingcheng Liu
Pressure calibration of 2500ton SAKURA press with a cubic-type guide block at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry; comparison with pressure calibration of Kawaii-type multi-anvils

Comments: 2
  • #2

    Li Li (Monday, 11 October 2021 13:31)

    Dear Prof. Katsura,
    Thank you very much for your question. It is the difficulty we are facing now that we don't know the stoke displacement data in many diffierent labs. So we need to discuss it very carefully. However, because of the similarity of stoke data between GIG and GRC, we believe the phenomenon we reported is common in many labs, and the gasket deformation in Kawai type and Osugi type must be deffierent. For your question, the increasing strokes with increasing temperature means the gasket deformation effect is stronger than the thermal expantion effect in your Osugi type press. The reason may be softer gaskets or better heat transpiration.

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    Tomoo Katsura (Thursday, 23 September 2021 10:52)

    About the difference in stroke upon heating between the Kawai and Osugi guide blocks. In my experience, the strokes also increase with increasing temperature, even in Osugi guide blocks, and rarely seen the stroke increase at any temperature range.